Belastingspreekuur Venlo
maandag 24 maart 2025 13:45 - 14:30
Locatie Stadsbibliotheek Venlo
Categorie Volwassenen
Tags Anke belastingaangifte digitalisering
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Belastingspreekuur Venlo

Jan en Frans

Voor mensen die zelf aangifte willen doen biedt de Bibliotheek gratis beveiligd computer- en internetgebruik. Hulp bij aangifte en computerfaciliteiten is gratis en voor iedereen, ook als je geen lid van de Bibliotheek bent. Wil je beter leren omgaan met de computer, internet en sites van de overheid? Volg dan de cursus Klik&Tik of Digisterker.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de Klik&Tik cursus en hier voor de cursus Digisterker.

Help with tax return

Could you use some help with your tax return via the computer? An expert who watches with you? Or do you have a question? Then you can visit our Library from March.

If you received a letter from the tax authorities in January or February, you probably have to file a tax return. This is done online using your DigiD. Do you find it complicated to arrange that yourself? That's quite understandable. The specially trained volunteers of the Venlo Library provide help: they fill in the declaration together with you.

For people who want to make a declaration themselves, the Library offers free secure computer and internet use. Help with declaration and computer facilities is free and for everyone, even if you are not a member of the Library.

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