Workshop: "Training for head and heart"
woensdag 27 november 2024 19:00 - 21:00
Locatie Stadsbibliotheek Venlo
Categorie Studenten
Tags Eileen English Positieve gezondheid
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Workshop: "Training for head and heart"

For everybody who's feeling overwhelmed and for everybody who wants to learn more about mental health and your brain, the City Library Venlo organizes with ADEM Theater and Wij Zijn Tijdmakers the ultimate training for your mind and heart.

Neuropsychologist Teun van den Elzen will teach you in four workshops everything about dealing with stress. You'll learn more about mental health and how to get a grip on it! You get to do some excercises, learn more about yourself and exchange experiences with others.

The first workshop is all about taking rest and resetting yourself. Why is it important to stop running for a minute and getting some air? You'll receive a free book, written by Teun, with excercises and tips about your mental health and how to take a break. There will also be live music!

The second workshop, we'll talk about resiliance: how to deal with setbacks and stress.

One week later, the workshop is about vitality. You want to stay mentally fit, but how to do that? In this workshop, you'll get to know yourself a little bit better. When you know yourself, you know how to deal with stress and setbacks.

The last workshop is all about how to stay mentally fit. The past workshops, you've learned everything about mental health, stress and how to deal with it. Teun will give you some advice on how to stay mentally healthy.


  • November 6th, november 13th, november 20th and november 27th.

The workshops are completely free. Please sign-up beforehand, so we'll know how many people are coming.
